Monday 12 February 2018

Happy 2018

Hi everyone and welcome to my blog.

My apologies I haven’t been around, but I have been busy with my small retail spot in Midtown Makers and making samples for Katy Sue Design Ltd.

I am back and my new year promise, which hasn’t got off to a very good start was to blog more and keep my social media pages up to date.  My techie skills are very basic, and I get through with the little that I know.

So, I am going to take an afternoon in the week and keep my Facebook page up to date, schedule posts and put up items I have made for sale.  I am opening my Esty page again where I will sell my items as well as putting them into my retail space in Midtown. 

Another thing I would love to do in the future is to post videos on YouTube, but I have yet to get my courage built up and get to like my voice.

Many thanks for stopping by

Karen Xxx